If you would like to be included on the list of Kit-Catalogue adopters then please get in touch via the Contact page.
Anyone can view the publicly visible items within Loughborough’s Kit-Catalogue. Staff can log-in to view the full database with almost 2000 items of research and/or teaching equipment. Visit Loughborough’s Kit-Catalogue here.
Kit Catalogue has been live and in operation internally at University of Bristol since June 2012. The next phase will be to make selected items of equipment available for external viewing. Visit University of Bristol’s research equipment database here.
View the University of Leicester’s publically available equipment from across the university. More equipment is available to University of Leicester staff upon login. Visit the University of Leicester’s Kit-Catalogue here.
Anyone can view the kit/equipment/facilities currently “live” within the Northumbria catalogue. Visit Northumbria’s Kit-Catalogue here.](http://kc-northumbria.lboro.ac.uk/ "Northumbria's Kit-Catalogue")
University of Nottingham staff can log on to view over 1000 items of research equipment from across the university. Visit the University of Nottingham’s Kit-Catalogue here.
UCL’s Research Equipment Catalogue contains over 1500 items from across the university, with more than 400 visible to the public. Visit UCL’s Kit-Catalogue here.
UseScience portal is based on the Kit-Catalogue platform and contains scientific services and equipment in the Baltic region. UseScience portal is regularly updated with new equipment and services and new institutions are welcome to join and publish their services and equipment. Visit UseScience’s Kit-Catalogue here.
The University of Glasgow’s, College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences, Equipment Sharing Database (Kit Catalogue) has been live and in operation internally since March 2014. Staff can log on to view over 600 items of research equipment from across the various Institutes & Schools which make up the College. The next phase will be to populate areas with additional scientific equipment within our College structure during the year ahead to enhance research collaboration and improve equipment sharing.