* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Kit-Catalogue Change Log * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * This file contains the Kit-Catalogue recent change log. Any notable updates, changes and improvements to the system will be detailed in here for the most recent versions of the software. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v2.0.8 (released 11-07-2014) == API Added basic support for retrieving categories via the API. Added support for items with images at absolute URLs (if an item's image starts "http:" it will be used as is). Added searching items with an Organisational Unit ID or name. Improved RDF API removing unnecesary XML entries for unused contacts. == General Improved the installation wizard to check for the presence of the .htaccess file. Added option to disable custodian email links for authenticated users when enquiry button is enabled. (config 'enquiry.email_links') Fixed the broken links caused by entity names containing slash characters. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v.2.0.7 (limited release) == Security Added Shibboleth Single Sign-On options for authentication. (config 'signin.shibboleth___' and 'shib.___') == Admin Added extra error checking for image resizing when editing an item. == API Added support for retrieving a single item. Added searching items with a tag. Added support for linking a category to a URI in an external taxonomy. RDF output now available (aligned with N8 linked data spec). == General Added all available data download formats to the permalink item records (CSV, JSON, RDF, etc). Fixed an error blocking database upgrades from some v1.0.x installations. Fixed an error in the upgrade process where existing department permissions would not convert to OU permissions properly. Fixed areas where field_view settings were not applied. Fixed an error where changes to the "disposed of" field would not save. Fixed minor ECL library bugs. Fixed minor styling issues. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v.2.0.4 (release 04-06-2013) == Config Added 'browse.prioritise_facilities' setting to control whether facility items will be listed first in browse results. Added 'search.prioritise_facilities' setting to control whether facility items will be listed first in search results. Added 'menu.order' setting to control the order of items in the main menu. == General Added item's OU is set accordingly when adding a new item from an OU listing page. Added HTML class to parent-items in lists (is_parent). Fixed an error in the browsing page which would hide public items from authenticated users. Fixed access permission problems for OU-Admin roles. Fixed minor typo errors in the admin area. Fixed selected category tick boxes being cleared when an error prevents a new item from saving. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v.2.0.3 (released 02-05-2013) == General Fixed an issue with the installation wizard which caused the database installation to fail on some PHP-MySQL configurations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v.2.0.2 (limited release) == Config Added layout.signin_prompt setting to control the message shown to unauthenticated users. == General Fixed an incorrect link to the old department section that should point to the new OU section. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v.2.0.1 (released 23-04-2013) == Administration Fixed CSV importer not reading custom field data. == General Improved display of manufacturer website link when no manufacturer name has been given. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- v.2.0.0 (released 16-04-2013) IMPORTANT: Kit-Catalogue now uses a new upgrade process. When you have applied the updated code files you MUST run the upgrade wizard at: http:///install/ See /install/readme.txt for more information. By default, Kit-Catalogue now uses the MySQLi extension for database access. If you want to keep using the older and soon to be deprecated, Mysql extension, add $config['db.use_mysqli'] = false; to your local config. == Security Fixed user permissions not being deleted when a user was removed in the administration area. Fixed HTTPS not being used for CSS/javascript files, if user visited a HTTPS url without being logged in. Fixed IE8 not downloading CSV files when browsing over HTTPS. Fixed titles of internal-only child items appearing on parent item records (access to the actual items was still blocked). Fixed AJAX calls not using HTTPS when required. == Administration Added new "embedded content" field to items, allowing direct inclusion of youtube videos, etc. Added new "link" resources to items. Added new organisational structure admin to replace organisation/department fields. Added new organisational unit field to item records. Added ability to create a new user and assign their password in one go. Added inventory report builder. Added item editor functionality, so non-custodians can be given editing rights to individual items. Changed the item edit page to move mandatory fields nearer the top. Changed the Model field to be optional. Changed the title and manufacturer fields to be semi-mandatory (at least one must be filled). Fixed the importer so it will now clean up its old temporary files. Improved the importer to accept all item fields and detect/correct column re-shuffles in CSV files. Improved the exporter to work around Excel having problems when opening CSV files with fields starting with punctuation characters. == API CSV output now available. XML output now available. == Config Added 'import.date_format_mdy' setting to control whether the importer should use US style dates. Added 'layout.date_format_report' setting to control the formatting of dates in the report builder. Added 'item.image.max_width' and 'item.image.max_height' settings to control auto-resizing of uploaded images. Added 'item.allow_embedded_content' setting to control whether you can add/view an item's embedded content like YouTube videos. Added 'search.include_ou' and 'search.include_ou_descendents' to control search results from hits on organisational unit names. Added 'menu.__' settings to control which menus are available and how they are labelled. Added 'help.__' settings to control what online help is available to administrators. Added 'admin.__' settings to control the editing of items and "editor" users. Added 'db.use_mysqli' setting to toggle using mysqli or the older mysql extension (IMPORTANT: this defaults to using mysqli). Removed 'app.items_www' setting as it is no longer required. Removed 'app.api_www' setting as it is no longer required. Removed 'search.include_departments' setting as it is no longer required. == General Added reCAPTCHA option to enquiry forms to combat spam (config 'enquiry.use_recaptcha' and 'recaptcha.__' section) Added setting to log all enquiry form submissions - enabled by default (config: 'enquiry.log'). Added more language override options. Added a "Facilities" menu, which shows items that contain other items - disabled by default (config: 'menu.facility.enabled'). Added a "Tags" menu, which shows items by tag - disabled by default (config: 'menu.tag.enabled'). Added field view configuration, for controlling which fields are visible on your catalogue front-end website (ignored by API). Added item's ID number to detail page. Added ID number field to the item search. Changed the default label for an item's files to "resources". Changed the MySQL implementation to use the MySQLi extension instead of the original, and soon to be deprecated, MySQL extension. Fixed minor typo errors in the admin area. Fixed organisation logo not linking to organisational website (config 'org.www'). Fixed searching with the common, but unneccesary, wildcard characters '*' and '%' returning no results. Fixed searching using a single character using all available memory for results. Minimum search length is now 2 characters. Fixed wikicode fields not showing lines beginning with a zero character, '0'. Improved the search system generally. Improved the installation and upgrade process. Improved the standardisation of URL formats across the catalogue.